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St Malachy's timing is accurate.

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What St Malachy tells us.

What did St Malachy say to us about these last times?

In Question and Answer format.

Includes the Lignum Vitae (St Malachy's list, copied from the Vatican Archives in 1595):

Q. The well known prophesy of St Malachy concerns the very last times of the world as we know it. How appropriate is it to focus on this at this time?

A. It is very appropriate; very relevant. We are now in a position to know that Archbishop Malachy in his prophesy of the popes (and which can also be termed a vision) accurately saw, and foretold, in the year 1139, the number of future holders of the papal chair to coincide with these very last times of the world as we know it.

Q. What happened in the year 1139 and what does St Malachy tells us?

A. In 1139 Archbishop Malachy ( Archbishop Máel Máedoc Ua Morgair 1094-1148) an Irish prelate of the sees of Armagh and Cashel in Ireland, was in Rome to give a report on his dioceses to Pope Innocent II, and to receive his wool palliums (shepherd's cloak) in relation to his two Bishoprics. Whilst there he had a vision in which he saw a long line of Popes (holders of the papal chair.) And he attributed a verse to each of those whom he saw. Joseph Ratzinger (known as Benedict XVI) is number one hundred and eleven on the list.

St Malachy has always been given credence because he attributed a verse; a phrase relevant to the individual, even though some do seem a bit obscure. But sometimes they are clear. Examples are Pope Benedict XV (p.1914-22) who reigned during world war I, during the onset of communism, during the great Spanish flu, and during this era of ever increasing numbers of incarnate demons (although unaware) he has the phrase "Religion depopulated."

Pope Pius IX (p.1846-1878)who had earlier tried so hard to defend the Papal states from being seized, and who spent a time in exile from Rome, and then became, in a way, a prisoner in the Vatican, and in whose reign (although unaware) saw the release of the devil and his incarnate demons from hell, has the phrase "Crux de Cruce" (Cross of Crosses.) This is thought to relate to his having a greater cross to bear than most. If the particularities of the secret of La Salette had been recognized, it would have been seen as more than fulfilling the phrase "Cross of Crosses."

(Note that the mid-late mid 19th century [given as 1864 in the secret of La Salette) seems accurate as to the timing of the release of the “Locusts” (the incarnate demons) from the Abyss “the bottomless pit” by the fallen star (obviously identified by commentators as Lucifer himself) his having been given the key to “the bottomless pit.” (Apoc:9:1-3) )

However, many of the phrases given by St Malachy on his list relate to a place of birth, to an emblem on a coat of arms, or to a previous post held or similar, for example, Pope Martin V[1417-31] has the verse: "Crown of the golden curtain" he had previously been Cardinal deacon of St George at the golden curtains. And Pope Callixtus III[1455-58] a Spanish Pope has for his verse "Pasturing Ox." His coat of arms feature an Ox.

Note that St Malachy's list includes a number of anti-popes (those who claimed the papal chair in opposition to the Pope.) That St Malachy included these as occuring during the centuries can be explained in the context of what St Malachy experienced; that St Malachy had a vision not an explanation as to who was and who was not the actual Pope at that time. It must be assumed in this context that he saw those dressed in papal robes and included all those whom he saw.

Q How many were there On Archbishop Malachys list altogether?

A. One hundred and twelve [thirteen] 112 or 113.

Q. Many think it was one hundred and twelve, which is accurate?

A. It can be looked at in this context: Archbishop Malachy presented one hundred and eleven entries in a one line verse; but the next part, the very last part, is quite different; it is not a verse as such (or verses) but a statement of events about the future (the time that is now upon us; this era, these very, very last times of the world as we know it.) And St Malachy also gives a precise name: “Petrus” “Peter.”

If looking at this in terms of there being one hundred and thirteen entries, then for one hundred and twelve there is a two line verse and for one hundred and thirteen, and which contains the part about Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman) reigning in the very last times of the world, there are eight lines. (This makes 113 on the list.)

OR there is a one ten line verse,( making 112 on the list.)

Q. Why is there a confusion as to whether there is one hundred and twelve or one hundred and thirteen?

A. It is thought to stem from a seventeenth century translation which, it would seem referred to it as a one ten line verse, and possibly also because an anomaly was noticed.

Q. What is the anomaly?

A. That if it is one hundred and thirteen entries, then it is one hundred and twelve who sits in the last times of the world, as does one hundred and thirteen, who reigns/ ”will feed his flock”. This would perhaps have been incomprehensible at that time. But it does make sense in the context of these very, very last times of the world as we know it.

When written as 113 entries (ie as their being a 112 and a 113) this is what is shown:

In persecutione extre ma sre. Sedebit.

There will sit in the final persecution of The Holy Roman Church.(112)


Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in maltis tribulationibus, quibis transactis civitas septicollis difuetur, & judex tremendus judicabit populum suma finis.”

Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will Judge the people. The End. 113.

Or the whole of the above written as one ten line verse gives 112 entries.

Q. What does the actual written text before the seventeenth century itself show us?

As shown in the Lignum Vitae; late 16th century (1595), which shows the later part of the text (St Malachy's list), it can be viewed here.

A. The pattern of writing, the entry positioning, the punctuation, possibly indicates that there were one hundred and thirteen entries made. In particular the full stop. In the other entries the full stop completes a particular entry. But on the other hand the last entry (or entries) is unique. This copy (Lignum Vitae) was made by Fr Wion, a Benedictine monk for his history of the Benedictine Order and copied under strict supervision from the Vatican archives.

But I think in any case that Jorge Bergoglio (known as Francis I )can be discounted.

Q. Why do you say this. And what number is he/would he be on the list?

A. Because, as mentioned, Archbishop Malachy had a vision, not an explanation. He was a senior prelate and if in his vision he saw one dressed in papal robes(in white) and freely moving around and still living in the Vatican and not a hostage or in exile in any way or 'anti' to anyone else around him (ie Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI) and who he had already identified and was on his list, it would perhaps have been difficult for St Malachy to imagine a two at once scenario. But on the other hand, it is clear that he did include a more than one scenario when including antipopes from down through the centuries, in his list.

Q. If he did not include Jorge Bergoglio, does that mean that the next one will be Petrus Romanus?

A. Not if Petrus Romanus is number one hundred and thirteen.

Q. What if Archbishop Malachy did include Jorge Bergoglio (Francis I) will his successor be Petrus Romanus?

A. Not If it is number one hundred and twelve sits in the final persecution of the Church. The most that it could mean is that there is more than one sitting as number one hundred and twelve. Something that Catholic commentators have remrked upon in recent centiries. See, for example, commentary on St Malachy's list in The Catholic Enyclopedia 1911 which states:

"It has been noticed concerning Petrus Romanus, who, according to St Malachy's list is to be the last Pope that the prophesy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor designated Gloria Olive. It merely says he is to be the last.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia 1913 edition (quoted in www.catholic pages .com)

Q. What do you think that all of this means?

A. I think it means that St Malachy saw exactly what was going to happen in these years that directly precede Our Lord's Second Coming. But he had a vision, he did not have an explanation to go with it. And that Catholics, in responsibility and maturity must recognize that without a most drastic of drastic changes in the Church (not foreseeable, nor possible in this era as it is) it is not possible for anyone in this era as it is remotely fitting the description of Petrus Romanus to hold the papal chair. And that since only a cleric who has come through the ranks of the Church can sit in the papal chair, and be voted in at a papal conclave, then the one only other person who can sit in the papal chair is St Peter himself.

And within the verse that Archbishop Malachy gives for “Petrus Romanus” “Peter the Roman” is "who will feed his flock" which is very reminiscent of Our Lord's words to Peter:"Feed my sheep"[Jn 21:17.] I think this tells us a great deal.

There is no other name as such in St.Malachy's list and so the last verse (or verses) are unique; “Petrus”, “Peter” “Rock.” There is also the point that in the earlier centuries, great emphasis was laid upon the pope being in St Peter's chair and that St Peter himself reigned and that he nurtured those who succeeded him.

Q. But in a practical sense how can St Peter reign?

A. Again it comes back to understanding that we are in the years that directly precede Our Lord's Second Coming, that the world is flooded with apostate angels, and that Catholics (human Catholics) must do all we can to protect the Church and prepare for the Lord.

Q. How can Catholics do this? And what is the scenario that we are in?

A. As mentioned earlier, I liken the situation to there being pirates on board Ship (imposters; apostate angels), and not just any ship; St Peter's Ship; the Ark of Salvation. It is not a good idea to jump overboard! The way, for all humans in the Church, is to keep to the good, strong, traditional Church teachings and ways, have the right intentions, and stay as closely within the Church as possible, and Trust Our Lord who said that He would be with His Church all through the days:

.. and behold I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world. "[Mt 28:20]

The Catholic Church is joined to Almighty God through heavenly union!
Always seek the greater glory of God. And stay very close to the Blessed Virgin Mary; our Mother, who is our most powerful Advocate with Her Son; She always seeks to bond us to Him; Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Immaculate; without sin, as befits Her role as the Mother of God, and as the “new Eve” as always being obedient to God (in contrast to Eve) Mary, without sin, and always in faithful obedience, is our powerful Mother; protecting us, Her children, from the evil ones.

Prayer is always so vitally important, and devotions are important. The Church has long established devotions: Devotion to Our Lord's Sacred Heart. Devotion to Our Lady of Dolours and, of course, the Rosary; with their meditations on the Gospels. These being prime examples. They draw us into the bonds and along the paths of God's Mercy whilst teaching us Eternal Wisdom in good, sound, spiritual direction. And The Church is being watched over by our heavenly family; the Church triumphant. And this includes St Peter; and try to remain aware of how our whole heavenly family, of angels and saints is so helping us in what are now these very, very last days of the world as we know it.

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