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The Last Times.

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St Malachy's timing is accurate.

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And these pages.

Questions (comments) and Answers.

Please see here Questions (comments)and Answers.

This era is the immediate build up to Our Lord's Second Coming in Judgement.

These are short general questions/comments/answers,
which have been formulated so as to be helpful in providing some particular
information about what is on this website, and about this era. The questions,
comments and answers from Q's 24-75 are focused primarily on the Church.

Note also that the Church has always taught that She would experience
a period of trial in the build up to Our Lord's Second Coming; this
because of what is shown in scripture; in particular (ii) Thessalonians (ii)
and in The Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse is a profound prophecy. A foretelling of mankind's path;
and wrong path, and of the great dangers in following those paths.
It deserves repeated and diligent reading; it is very wise for humans to do so,
and NOW. The Apocalypse (revelation), the last Book of The Bible, is a
Divine revelation that was given to St John the Apostle/the Divine towards
the end of his life in the first century. St John was shown what will happen
“..I will show you things that must come to pass hereafter.”(Apoc ch 4:1..)
Along the paths of God's Justice, which all are subject to, what we do matters,
and it matters a very great deal; the whole of scripture tells us the same
(oh man read it!)

(Please note that if printing these pages the site headings are shown
(listed) first and the first page of text itself begins around the third
printed page.)

(For a quick overview as to this era, please see: The two eras.)

Questions and Answers.

Q.1 Are we in the very last times of the world
as we know it? And will many alive today witness
the Second Coming of Christ?

A. There are a great many indications that we are Now in the very
last days of the world as we know it. That many alive today will
witness the Second Coming of Christ. And that it is time now to Plan and Prepare.

Q.2 Does this mean the very, very last years of the world as we know it?

A. Yes, we are now living according to (we are bound up with) the last
times as foretold in scripture and with the prophesies that accord with that scripture.

Q.3 Is the Apocalypse profound?

A. Yes it is vital reading.

Q.4 Does the Guide to The Apocalypse give particular guidance as to how
to deal with this era?

A. Yes! The Guide can be read here:

Q.5 What does The Secret of La Salette, at paragraphs 11 and 12, tell us
as to the last chastisement upon mankind?

Paragraph 11 of the Secret of La Salette begins with:

"In the year 1864, Lucifer with a great number of demons will be
unleashed from hell..................." [secret 11]

What did Melanie herself say in relation to this?

A. The seer of La Salette, Melanie Calvert Mathieu, told of a vision
that accompanied the words in the Apparition: "the dead and the
just will be made to revive."(para 12.) The vision showed that this
was a reference to the demon taking these appearances (of humans
who have lived on earth.)

Q.6 What words did Melanie actually use?

A. She said "these so called resurrected dead who will be nothing
other than the demon under these appearances......." [re:secret 12.]

(we will come back to how the Church responded to La Salette; Apparition
and Secret, shortly)

Q.7 Is there some information about the fall of the apostate angels

A. Yes. Please see: Fallen Creatures (page on this website), on the fall of the angels
and of how this links with the fall of mankind (the fall of Adam and Eve) in the garden
of Eden. It tells of God's Genesis decree [Genesis III:XV] given (addressed
the serpent [Lucifer] just after the fall of Adam and Eve (and with them,
mankind.) And, of course, of the greatest help given to mankind; the Christ
coming amongst us to save us from the automatic destination of hell upon
death (the effects of the fall.) We MUST be joined with Our Lord's glorious
resurrection from the dead. Genesis III:XV is:

"I will put enmity between you and the
woman, between your seed and her
seed; He shall crush your head, and
you shall lie in wait for his heel "[Gen 3:15.]

Q. 8 Does the website mention about hell?

A. Yes, the reality of hell. (Please see page: The Reality of Hell, on this website.)

Q.9 Is there not enough emphasis about the reality of hell? And do you
think that the Church should be praying for souls in hell?

A. There is not enough emphasis. Hell is a real place, “the bottomless pit”
"the Abyss." Our Lord God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who dwells in glory,
humbling Himself to partake of our humanity to prevent a man and
woman's automatic descent into hell upon death (the effects of the fall
of Adam and Eve, and with them the whole of mankind) making precisely
that point to us. We must be joined with Him in His glorious resurrection
from the dead. Indeed Our Lord made Himself "the Son of Man" for our
sakes. And humans should never ever mistake how serious all of this is.
He warned us about hell on numerous occasions, for example:[Lk12.5]
[Lk16:19] [Mt5:22] [Mt5:29-30] [Mt7:13] [Mt13:41-42] [Mt25:41]
[Mt25:46] [Mt13:50] [Mk9:42-48.] Hell is a place where at all and
every conceivable cost imaginable, humans MUST NOT GO. For there,
souls are abased, and in horrifying ways.

Praying for souls in hell. Yes! But that is not to say that Church teaching
is wrong but rather to focus on there always being an appeal to God's
great Mercy. Prayers and appeal, these with great humility for poor
souls who are in very great suffering in the abode of the devil and his
demons. There is a tradition in the Church that souls in hell can be
"plucked from the fire." And much evidence from the very early
centuries of prayers in the Church (found in the East) taking place
for souls in hell. The prayer of St Basil the Great is a very moving
example of prayers for souls in hell from the earliest centuries. See
prayers for souls in hell.

Q10. Are there many ways in which the apostate angels (incarnate demons)
have ingratiated themselves amongst mankind?

A. Yes. It is a severe, and a far reaching chastisement indeed. It
affects all societal institutions. And this is an era of the greatest
responsibility for humans, to lead good lives in order to protect
ourselves and to prevent mankind (ever decreasing in numbers)
individually and collectively from going any further astray. Apostate
angels are near and far.

Q.11 Has it become as a "Flood."

A. Yes. A locust swarm and it severely affects the last times of the world harvest

Q.12 Is the timing of the chastisement significant?

A. Yes. The mid-late mid nineteenth century seems very accurate [1864 is
the date given in the secret of La Salette] The timing indicates that,
although His Mercy is still upon us individually, and collectively,at some
point in the very late eighteenth, or the very early nineteenth century,
mankind's direction had gone too far to be sustainable with God's Justice;
to the point of there being no way back. It coincides with the escalation of
the rights of man being placed above the Rights of God, a process that
began, inevitably, at the reformation; which severely undermined the rights
of the Catholic Church [The Lord's Church] in many countries and with
increasingly its effects and influence undermining the rights of the Church
in even Catholic countries. The reformation's influence saw a
consequent fragmentation of beliefs and practices (with the many
various different protestant groups) to gradually see countries upholding
all beliefs and none and with this an emerging dominant secular direction.

The reformation itself stemming from Europe having been unable
to shake off the legacy of barbarian personal royalty. Though there
were some good Catholic kings, and dukes, others claimed more
and more rights for themselves, all fuelled by the fragmentation of
Europe in the ninth century and combined with the six long centuries
of military feudalism with its endless rounds of in-fighting, that so many
were tragically caught up in; the opposite of the grace filled sacramental
economy that the Church tried so hard to set and keep in place; with its
joyous life in Christ unto the goal of salvation. Monastic Christendom was
a profound type of the ideal society. The monasteries, all of which lived
under their rule as authorised by the Church, were as a channel for the
true vine, within their own settings and as reaching out into communities
and societies. A village and town would invariably attach itself to the local
monastery. The reformation was a tragedy for mankind.

Mankind has never fully understood the seriousness and extent of the
battle set by God (in Genesis III:XV) Adam and Eve fell, and mankind
fell with them. God gave us one great chance and provided everything
for us that we take this one chance. This is the ONE battle it is the battle
for our souls and goes on in every moment of our lives. We are fallen
creatures far different to how we would have been; this is a short sojourn
upon God's earth. A Test. God has no need of us whatsoever, but in His
great Mercy and Love for us He gave us a chance, and all has been
provided by Him for us.

When Adam and Eve fell, it was through disobedience, and wanting to
be like God; knowing what He knows. They fell at the instigation of
Lucifer, the devil; the fallen angel. He and all of the fallen angels at
all times seek to implicate man and woman in their rebellion against

Our Lord God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, taught us The Way unto salvation;
the narrow path of the gospels; saying:

"Enter by the narrow gate. For wide is
the gate and broad is the way that leads
to destruction, and many there are who
enter that way. (Mt. 7:13.)

The Truth of the gospels; Our Lord's Words; The Truth;
of Our Lord; and of The Father. Our Lord's Words:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes
to the Father but through me.” (Jn.14:2-6.)

Our Lord teaches us:

"Everyone who has listened to the Father, and has learned, comes to me;" (Jn.6:45.)

The Bible is our true enlightenment and is our true education.
Not just one quick read through, but the lessons therein to be
learned and understood - our main education ongoing. The
great focus for us is to be safely in the bosom of the Father.

Our Lord worked many miracles that attested to; evidenced His
Divinity, and evidenced the TRUTH of His Words. Our Lord sought
to get this across to His apostles continuously; that they believe
and that through them others believe. See esp. St John's gospel
(ch 14-17.)

God gave All authority to His Church, and all is about our salvation. The Popes,
down through the centuries, sought that Kings, and all others, whoever they
might be, understood this. And better to learn that salvation is the goal of
life sooner rather than later.

Mankind must give great glory to God. At all times seek His greater glory.
He who made the earth and the sky and the sea and all that is in them.
They are His! We must be aware and wary as to this. For fallen mankind,
in a contemptible fallen state, it is paramount to always have this in our
minds. Mankind must always seek to love and to please God ever more
and more. To please God is the award to crave. All of which fits with the
first commandment.

The first commandment is:

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole
soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment."
[Mt 22:37]&[Deut. 6:4-5]

The Our Father; the prayer our Lord God and Saviour taught us, addressed to
God the Father, includes:

“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven......”[Mt 6:9-13]

These are commands and obligations upon mankind. And one forgets
to fear God at ones peril.

Our true enlightenment is found in the Bible, and as
expounded in traditional Catholic Church teaching, and tradition.

Instead mankind headed further on into the liberty of error and then
even began glorifying such as we entered the era of 'the enlightenment'
(so called) And with more and more publishing and publications extolling
man, and about man were being encouraged.

And all with profound excess as to 'needs'. This when mankind must be
focussed first and foremost on giving greater glory to God, and on our
spiritual needs. (see esp. Our Lord's Words in St John's gospel ch 14-17.)

And indeed the 'enlightenment' (so called) of the eighteenth century saw
many believe that mankind was actively entering a new type of post-Christian
era and behave and influence accordingly. And this saw, simultaneously, the
Catholic Church being ever increasingly undermined and sometimes to
a quite drastic extent even in many Catholic countries. And with this a
number of influential religious orders that had provided the framework
of the hitherto partially successful counter-reformation, were undermined,
expelled, and even suppressed.

Q. 13 When Our Lord is amongst us again, we will be able to ask
Him many things.

A. Yes. But also that Our Lord set in place
one Church, saying "My Church;" founded by His Word on St Peter (Rock)

"....and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it...." (Mt16:18-19)

and that Church can be, and is, the Roman Catholic Church; the Ark of
Salvation. Nothing was left to chance. It is too important for that!
Our Lord God Himself on earth amongst us. He fulfilled His Mission.
He set in place His Church. Not to begin 15-20 centuries later; or in
fits and starts. To start when He said, and to build; all under the
guidance of God The Holy Spirit. The Church; the Ark of Salvation;
joined to God. And that Church can be and is The Roman Catholic
Church! Founded to be one and universal.

The Popes at all times ensuring one unity of doctrine (Catholic) and
heading Christendom. And this from Rome!

And always seeking to ensure that the liberty of the Church was not interfered
with, in particular, the appointment of clergy, and the granting of benefices etc.
Pope(St)Gregory VII for example, wrote the following to the young King
Henry IV of Germany in 1073, soon after the young king had acceded to
the throne. Pope Gregory wrote:

... we warn you with fatherly love that, knowing that the rule of Christ
be over you, you should consider how dangerous it is to place your
honour above his, and that you should not interfere with the liberty of
the church which he has deigned to join to himself by heavenly union,
but rather with faithful devotion you should offer your assistance to the
increasing of this liberty to omnipotent God and St. Peter, through whom
also your glory be amplified." (letter of Pope Gregory VII 1073)

The Church seeking the greater glory of God to always be first and foremost.

Our Lord gave ALL authority to His Church, unto the goal of salvation. The great
duty and responsibility of the Church to ensure that Our Lord's commands were
adhered to. Kings understood this as to Catholic doctrine, but, as concerns laws
of a country for a number this was increasingly to a greater or a lesser extent.

Q. 14 Do you think that there is anything to be found in our Lord's
Words as given Himself concerning the very last times that give an
indication of the last times predicament for mankind?

A. Perhaps as found in St Marks gospel, where Our Lord says:

...For in those days will be tribulations, such as have not been
from the beginning of the creation which God created until now,
nor will be. And unless the Lord had shortened the days, no living
creature would be saved. But for the sake of the elect whom he
has chosen, he has shortened the days..... [MK13:14 -27]

Some Biblical texts do state this as being "no human creature
would be saved."

Q.15 Just going back to The Secret Of La Salette. The Church focused
on the parts of the Secret that referred specifically to the Church
Herself, there was also the difficulty that there were two versions of
Melanie's Secret. Can you tell us why there were two versions and
about the confusion this caused?

A. Yes, the apparition (1846) was very controversial; including amongst
the clergy. And some, and for some evident reasons, found it difficult to
believe that it was the Blessed Virgin Mary. But the Church did approve
the apparition at La Salette as being an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

At La Salette itself there was great focus on the Apparition, but problems began
when Melanie disclosed that during the Apparition (at the time of receiving
the Secret (1846), that she had been told not to disclose the Secret until 1858.

Q16. Did the local Bishop carry out the investigation into the Apparition straight

A. Yes, he began the investigations within weeks (October 1846). The
theological commission investigated and answered all questions and objections,
and was in place for two years. The Bishop's favourable conclusions
were then sent to Pope Pius IX, who responded asking Bishop de
Bruillard to build a beautiful church at La Salette. Later raised to a
Basilica by Pope Leo XIII

His favourable conclusions meaning that the
Apparition would be formally declared worthy of belief.

Q.17 Did the Bishop make the announcement straight away?

A. He was just about to when the Metropolitan Cardinal, who had,
in effect, come to be a focus for the clergy who were not comfortable
about the Apparition, stepped in to say that the announcement should
not be made without the contents of the Secret having been made
known to the Church. And, technically, the Cardinal had a valid point.

Q.18 Did this cause a dilemma for the Bishop?

A. The Bishop would not have put himself at odds with the Cardinal.
But with it being 1848, and Melanie stating that she had been told not
to release the secret until 1858, it meant ten years to wait.

It must have been a very difficult time for Melanie (and Maximin, the
other recipient of the Apparition) both still teenagers, they would have
been very anxious for the Apparition to be approved. And many pilgrims
were flocking to La Salette, which had its own spring of healing water,
and soon with some canonically approved miracles. One hundred
thousand pilgrims are said to have been at the sight of the Apparition
for the first anniversary.

Q.19 What did Melanie do?

A. After three years she wrote a short and general version of the
Secret, to be made known only to the Pope. This was sent to Pope
Pius IX and, within three months, Bishop de Bruillard had made the
announcement giving formal approval (September 1851.)

As with Maximin's secret, Melanie's secret includes a number of
inaccuracies. But it must be emphasized that the part of Melanie's
secret about the release of Lucifer and a great number of demons
from hell; their ways and effects is accurate.
And 1864 seems accurate as to timing.

Q.20 What happened next?

A. Melanie sent the long version (which included the part about the
release of Lucifer and a great number of demons from hell in 1864)
by courier, to Pope Pius in 1858, but, from the that information we
have, there was no response and it was soon classified as "lost."

Here is how what is shown in The Apocalypse corresponds with the
warning in The Secret of La Salette:

In The Apocalypse, St John writes of “the Lamb” opening the fourth
seal and of the fourth horse and horseman of The Apocalypse; the
pale green horse, as follows:

And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the
voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come! ”
And I saw, and behold, a pale green horse, and
he who was sitting on it — his name is Death,
and hell was following him....(Apoc; 6:7-8)

Traditional Catholic commmentary on the fourth horseman is
as follows:

Ver.8. Pale-green horse, i.e., olive-coloured; this horseman
symbolizes death, or rather pestilence...(commentary: Holy
Family Bible 1950.)

It is what is “following him” that is shown in the Apocalypse;
chapters eight and nine, and shown in paragraphs 11 and 12
of The Secret of La Salette.

Chapter nine of the Apocalypse begins with St John writing:

And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet, and I
saw that a star had fallen from heaven upon the
earth, and there was given to him the key of the
bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit,
and there came up smoke out of the pit like the
smoke of a great furness, and the sun and the air
were darkened by the smoke of the pit. And out of
the smoke there came forth locusts upon the earth...
(Apoc. 9:1-3.)

The release of the Locusts thus follows from the Abyss being
opened by the fallen star. And just as the fallen star must be
an individual; ie a living intelligent being (to have been given
the key to open the bottomless pit with) so too the locusts are
those whom live in the Abyss (to be released from) and from
out of which they come. Locusts (the creature/insect) do not
[as such] live in the Abyss, demons do (as do imprisoned
human souls.)

Locusts are a descriptive term. Just as 'serpent' or 'snake' is
the descriptive term used for Lucifer; the devil, in the garden
of Eden. “Locusts upon the earth” means demons in incarnate;
human form. And voluminous. And swarming.

The Secret of La Salette (secret, as disclosed, in 1858)
paragraphs 11 and 12 are:

"In the year 1864, Lucifer with a great number of demons will be
unleashed from hell; they will abolish the faith little by little and
even in persons consecrated to God; they will blind them in such
a way that barring a particular grace these persons will take on
the spirit of these bad angels: several religious houses will lose
the faith entirely and will lose many souls.. "[Secret:(11)]

The dead and the just will be made to revive [Secret:12]
[That is to say that these dead will take the appearance of just
souls who had lived on earth, in order to lead men further astray:
these so-called resurrected dead, who will be nothing other than
the demon under these appearances, will preach another Gospel
contrary to the one of the true Christ Jesus, denying the existence
of heaven, or they may also be the souls of the damned. All these
souls will appear as if united to their bodies.]

These words [in brackets] [and said to have been made known slightly
later by Melanie] are stated by her to have been according to the
Vision she had whilst hearing the words "the resurrection of the dead."
[Le Secret De Melanie p 29-30.]

Note that it is very significant that Melanie included her explanation of
the vision that she saw during the apparition (para 11) It is accurate!

This is mankind's last times predicament. Apostate angels exist on all
levels of society and in all societal institutions. They are near and far.

But It was not until 1879 that Melanie, and following a number of
setbacks, gained a Bishop's imprimatur for the Secret, and which
meant that it would be protected from being placed on the Forbidden
Index. And it was at this point (autumn 1879)that she showed a copy
to Pope Leo XIII in Rome.

And at this time (August 1879) figures of St John appeared alongside
figures of the Holy Family at Knock, co. Mayo in Ireland. The Apparition
at Knock has a profound significance in the context of The Apocalypse.

See: Knock, Mayo, St. John and The Apocalypse.

Pope Leo took an interest in the Secret, but soon (although later
towards the end of his papacy)all commentaries on it were
placed on the Forbidden Index.

Q.21 Was this because of what the Secret says about what will
happen to the Church?

A. The wording with the Index entries shows this. It was all very
complex because the Church had given no comment on the longer
version disclosed in 1858. And other were ready to do so. But it
should not be forgotten that Pope Leo had also come under great
pressure from a number of French Bishops who disliked what is
mentioned in the Secret about the clergy(But which Melanie said
was as a warning to them.) And to emphasize that the secrets
contain a number of inaccuracies.

It was a difficult time for the Church; It had received what was
thought to be the Secret in 1851, and the Church was trying to
deal with losing and then having lost the Papal States to Italian
Unification. It was a time of much distraction and upheaval.

But if the Church did not link the longer version of the Secret to
the Apocalypse then the danger was that it was not focusing on the
Apocalypse, and in turn distracted from a focus on these being the
very last times of the world; indeed distracted from the whole era of the
Apocalypse, and all that this means. And indeed this means being
unfocussed on the release of "the locusts" the apostate angels, and
which, for obvious reasons the Church had to heed as quickly as
possible. To help protect Herself, and mankind!

The last chastisement upon mankind; the incarnate demons
flooding mankind; and indeed, swarming as "locusts" is a severe one.

Q.22 Do you think that Pope Leo XIII and his successors recognized
anything to do with the Secret in the context of the Apocalypse?

A. It is difficult to know the extent of what they knew and/or accepted.
Of course the Popes would have sought to do their best with what they
understood at the time.

The final chastisement is not upon the Church Herself (as though exclusively)
it is upon mankind. But it affects the Church and the Church needed to protect
Herself, and mankind, as far as possible, by alerting to what was happening.
What was needed was a focus in the Church on the Trust and confidence in
the Church that Our Lord said that He would be with His Church all through
the days ".... even to the consummation of the world." (Matt 28:19-20)

But the Popes indeed obviously did the best that they could according to what
they understood in the whole context of the Secret. These were very complex
and difficult circumstances for them.

But what is clear is that as they increasingly tried to protect the Church, it
was as though they knew and yet did not know.

And Pope Leo XIII himself had a vision in 1884. There is no doubt that he
had a vision it took place in front of witnesses who reported as to how the
Pope stood motionlessly, as his colour changed rapidly. It is said that it was
that very same morning that he wrote his prayer to St Michael and ordered
it to be said at the end of all low masses throughout the world. He followed
this with further prayers to St Michael, all richly indulged.

It was reported a while later that Pope Leo had seen in his vision demons
descending upon Rome.

The well known and great prayer to St Michael is...

Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Pope Leo XIII

Q.23 And so this was all a crucial time for Church and mankind.

A. Yes, very much so, to say the very least !

Q.24 When you say that the Popes tried to protect the Church, do
you mean their trying to protect the Church from modernisms?

A. Yes. The Popes pre-Vatican II repeatedly sought to ensure
Scholastic theology; its teaching and methods. Scholastic
theology and its methods being from the Fathers of the Church
as aligning with Eternal Truth and Divine Law in the grace filled
context of the Church and Church teaching. And collated so eloquently
by St Thomas Aquinas and others in the Early middle ages. Pope (St)Pius X
tied the awarding of Catholic University degrees to Scholastic theology's
exclusive use.

The Popes warned continually against modernism.

Q 25 Can you give an example of their warning against modernism?

A. Yes, in his first Encyclical (1) Pope Benedict XV, even though
immersed in the worries of World War one, ensured that the Church
maintained a strong vigilance as to its dangers. In pointing to those
who have followed its ways; he writes of both modernism and the
spirit of modernism, saying :

"...the monstrous errors of "Modernism," which Our Predecessor
rightly declared to be "the synthesis of all heresies," and solemnly
condemned. We hereby renew that condemnation in its
fullness.....Nor do We merely desire that Catholics should shrink
from the errors of Modernism, but also from what is called the spirit
of Modernism. Those who are infected by that spirit develop a keen
dislike for all that savours of antiquity and become eager searchers
after novelties..." [para 25]

Q. 26. Is Vatican II (1962-1965) a profound focus in all of this ?

A. Yes, the Council has influenced what has happened to the Church.

Q. 27. The Church since Vatican II.

A. Yes.

Q. 28.Can you tell us a bit about this?

A. Yes.

Q. 29. Should Vatican II have been called?

A. No.

Q. 30. But surely it is for the Magisterium of the Church to call a
general Council if it wants to.

A. It can be said categorically, that Vatican II neither would nor could
have been called if it had been recognized long before the difficult times
that the Church and mankind are in.

Q. 31 But what was so different (wrong) about Vatican II ?

A. Vatican II did not accord with the identity of a general Council of
the Church; it did not protect the Rock and Column of the Faith. A
general Council of the Church is supposed to protect the deposit of
Faith. With Vatican II, Church doctrine [the deposit of Faith]was on
the table, as per a general Council, but instead of it being the
subject of protection[how it could best be protected] it was subjected
to an agenda which focused on the expression of the Faith, and on
ecumenism. And so the wrong instruments, as it were, were applied
to the ingredients, and with the result of this being that instead of the
Faith being protected, it was exposed and made vulnerable instead.
And this was compounded, of course, with the famous ambush that
took place on the opening day (the French revolution in the Church.)
And which saw the Curia commissioners who were supposed to be
overseers at the Council replaced by clerics many of whom held
modernist views, and who now dominated not only the commissions,
but along with this, the documents, and the voting procedures.

But I have few doubts that all of this (the whole Vatican II phenomenon;
of this era) was stage managed, and from some time before.

Q.32 Is "French revolution in the Church" an accurate way of
describing what took place at the beginning of the Council?

A. It is a known description of what took place at the very beginning of
the Council (the chaos over the voting procedures and who would
form the overseeing commissioners.)

Q 33. What do you think have been the main affects of Vatican II?

A. That novelty has tried to sideline doctrine. Also as focussed on under these

Loss of Instruction in the Faith:

The move away from instruction in the Faith in Catholic schools, it being
replaced by an ecumenical/pluralistic type approach that teaches about
religion generally. And so the Catholic Faith Itself now scarcely taught
and whilst being presented as significant but as though one religion
amongst many others. This all breeds indifferentism to the Catholic Faith,
to instruction in the Faith, and to the Catholic Church Herself as teacher
of divine Truth under the guidance of God the Holy Spirit (as found in
whole in Traditional Church teaching.)

The Loss of The Concordat:

The loss of the Concordat agreement between the Church and Catholic
countries has been catastrophic. Where a Concordat was in place it
ensured that Catholic teaching was enshrined and reflected in laws and
in school teaching. Vatican II's approach opened the way for Catholic
countries to uphold, in general terms, all beliefs (and none.) The Concordat,
though itself now only rarely in use, and not in its earliest fullest significance,
no longer existed.

Religious pluralism:

Religious pluralism is a form of paganism; as though overseeing all as though one
and the same in value, and including within this secular rights, and placed above
God's revelation, and so it cannot stand with God's Justice (God's great Mercy
must be turned to ) God's revelation as shown in the Old and in The New
Testament; His merciful plan of salvation for mankind and culminating,
of course, with Our Saviour; Our Lord God Jesus Christ, coming amongst
us and suffering and dying for us so that we might be joined with Him in
His glorious resurrection from the dead.

Indeed serious enough that religious pluralism is the basis of modern
political philosophy. But when the Church Herself opens the way for
this then we know we are heading fast for the time (of apostasy) that
immediately precedes Our Lord's Second Coming in judgement. We are
now (and amidst this final era generally) well advanced into this time.

And there needs to be a recognition that we are in the very, very last
times of the world as we know it. The period of immediate build-up
to our Lord's Second Coming.

And all of this is very serious and we are not talking being decades away from
Our Lord's Second Coming in judgement. Of course only God knows
the exact times. But in His great Mercy and Love He has made much
known as to the times that we are now in. Our Lord's Second Coming is
anticipated (and for some very sound reasons) to be the 2030's.
It is right to plan and prepare now.

Catholics must try to affirm the maintaining of the traditional Catholic identity
of the Church; keeping to good Faith practices.

I liken the situation to their being pirates on board Ship (imposters; apostate
angels), and not just any ship; St Peter's Ship; the Ark of Salvation. It is not
a good idea to jump overboard! The way, for all humans in the Church, is to
keep to the good, strong, traditional teachings and ways, have the right
intentions, and stay as close to the Church as possible, and to Trust Our Lord
who said that He would be with His Church all through the days:

.. and behold I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the
world."[Mt 28:20]

But whilst we can take the greatest comfort from Our Lord's Words, we must
be very wary of an ecumenical structure (product of the Vatican II formulas)
that is being aligned with the Church and that there are those who are being
inadvertently drawn into it and which, the more Catholic identity is overshadowed
in the Church Herself, the more easily it is for those who want to funnel all into
a new structure to do so. We will return to this point again shortly in these
questions and answers.

Q.34. Just on the first point above. What do you mean by Novelty trying
to replace doctrine?

A. Catholic doctrine; the deposit of Faith, is grounded in Eternal
Truth, Divine Law; as found in Scripture; God's commands and
teachings. The Church, bonded to, and within this, accessed this at
"source" at the right time (apostolic times) and then built the Church
(the Rock and column of the Faith) under the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
as reflected in Her sacramental economy, devotions, prayers, and
practices etc, and, as necessity arose, down through the centuries,
the protections put in place to safeguard the Faith, from heresies
and from any adverse outside influences. The complete deposit of Faith.

Q. 35 How does novelty change this?

A. A novelty, as it were, by-passes this to develop things to suit a
specific agenda.

Q.36 Can you give an example of this?

A. Yes. Perhaps the classic example is found in the practice of
ecumenism, namely "communicatio in sacri" (worship in common.)
Such is forbidden by divine law and a sin against the Faith, as
reflected in the teaching always held in the deposit of Faith.

Q.37. Why is it forbidden by divine law and a sin against the Faith?

A. Because the Lex Orandi is the Lex Credendi (worship reflects
belief) we must worship God as according with what we believe. To
take part in worship in common (ecumenical services and worship)
is to reflect ecumenical belief; belief in an ecumenical community/
structure/ 'church.' And the same with all worship outside of the
Catholic Church in any context is against the Lex Orandi Lex
Credendi, and is a sin against the Faith.

Q.38. How did Vatican II introduce this novelty?

A. By inserting a 'qualifying' criteria (a novelty) a clause, into a
document which says that worship in common is only wrong in
certain circumstances, stating specifically that:

"Common participation in worship (communicatio in sacris) which
harms the unity of the Church or involves formal acceptance of error
or the danger of aberration in the faith, of scandal and indifferentism,
is forbidden by divine law."2

And so as though a subjective analysis as to what anyone thinks is,
or might be harmful, or not.

Q.39 But wasn't the new criteria concerning communicatio in sacri
said in the context of the separated Eastern churches because the
Church recognizes their sacraments and ecclesiastical structures as
valid on account of the earlier centuries long communion with Rome
and their apostolic heritage?

A. But those now separated are still separated from the Catholic
Church, as they themselves are often the first to say, and they hold a
number of different beliefs. But this new approach this 'qualifying'
novelty is both shown explicitly in the main document on
ecumenism3 as well as being implied (often ambiguously) in other
Vatican II documents as well. And, as is obvious from what has and
is taking place, this novelty has almost taken on a life of its own so
that worship in common is now happening everywhere and means
now that anyone in effect can go along to any service anywhere at
all and seek to justify it by saying that they are unaffected by it. And
that is what is happening.

Q. 40. And so in this example, the difference before and following
Vatican II is that before Vatican II the practice of worship in common
(because it in itself offends the Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, and is
against divine law) was forbidden under the teachings of the
Church? But since Vatican II this is being sidelined to suit an
ecumenical agenda.

A. Yes.

Q 41 But wasn't there some sort inferences about worship in
common just before Vatican II.

A. Yes, it must be said that there was. But the flood gates were
opened at Vatican II

Q 42 To what extent has the Faith; the deposit of Faith, been
protected since Vatican II?

A. It has, to an extent, because of the enduring cognizance of the Faith;
traditional Church teaching and ways are known and are of the very
identity of the Church; these endure, and are within, are maintained
in the Church.

Q. 43 How do you think that Vatican II affected the Church ?

A. As having, in effect, formulated a program such that a false
ecumenical structure can take shape alongside the Catholic Church.
And ecumenical, as not being Catholic must, by definition, mean an
ecumenical/protestant structure.

Q.44 Do you mean through the promotion of ecumenism and
worship in common with the various protestant communities?

A. Yes. An ecumenical (protestant) framework with its culture.
And this is, of course, very serious and concerning. Identity
does matter because it obviously affects the Lex Orandi Lex

Q. 45 Are the faithful themselves caught up in this ?

A. Yes, with the danger of being aligned with an ecumenical
(protestant) structure and then being funnelled into it. The
Faithful must keep to known, traditional Church teachings
and ways.

Q. 46. This all affects Church and identity

A. Yes.

Q. 47 Is the Mass itself crucial in this whole context?

A. Yes. Because whoever controls the identity of the Mass controls
the identity of the Church. And the Common rite mass, when it
appears, will likely be the bridge link into the new
ecumenical /protestant structure.

Q. 48 Has there been an actual announcement as to the Common

Yes it was announced at the Vatican in 2011.

In May 2011 there was an announcement by the Vatican of the intention
to produce a "Common rite" Mass. Note who gave the statement; it was
given by [Cardinal] Kurt Koch, who is head of the Pontifical Council for
Promoting Christian Unity, his statement was relayed by the Catholic News Service (CNS):

"Pope Benedict XVI's easing of the restrictions on use of the 1962 Roman Missal, known
as the Tridentine Rite, is just the first step in a "reform of the reform in liturgy.....the Pope's
long term aim is not simply to allow the old and new rites to co-exist, but to move toward a common rite."

What might this "Common rite" mass, under the present Vatican regime including the Council for promoting
Christian 'unity' (with its Vatican II version of what unity means) include? What might it consist in?

Developments since 2011, for example with regard to the Ordinariate and the seeking to
agree on and share a common Eucharist with the Lutherans, have indicated that the
Common rite will have a distinctive protestant leaning identity.

Q. 49. Is the Tridentine Mass crucial in maintaining the identity of the
Catholic Church?

A. Yes. Of course it is so vital. The Canon of the Mass goes back to
at least the 4th century (traced in writings to that time) and the
Council of Trent and the Council of Florence both affirmed its origin
in Apostolic times. The Mass is Our Lord's great Sacrifice (which
was complete and for all time) but repeated; in an unbloody form,
everyday on the altar and with the faithful; both living and dead,
benefiting from Our Lord's precious Body and Blood and from the
graces and merits won for us through His great Sacrifice
accordingly. And with Our Lord Himself as the principal celebrant.
Pope(St) Pius X, echoing St John Vianney (patron saint of parish
priests) referred to the Mass as being: "The Highest prayer that
exists." It is the great offering to God the Father by God the Son
Himself. And so we can look at the Catholic Mass, the Tridentine
"Mass of Ages" in a very particular way precisely because we expect
it to be the very best that the Church can do. Our Lord God and
Saviour deserves the best for the reenactment of His sacrifice. And
because of this; what the Mass is, it had to be pristine; had to be the
very best; had to be protected and fortified; this all the duty and
primary role of the Church, guided by God the Holy Ghost, and so
this; the Tridentine Mass, must have fulfilled that role of being the
very best that the Church can do. It is not a question of a wardrobe
of Masses. There can be no better Mass. The Tridentine Mass is
fully qualified as being the Mass of the Catholic Church. To say
otherwise is to say that the Magisterium of the Church, under the
guidance of the Holy Ghost, failed Her Lord and Master in this one
of Her great primary functions and roles. Fr Faber, a convert to
Catholicism, described the sung Tridentine Mass as being "the most
beautiful thing this side of heaven."

Q 50. Does the Novus Ordo retain much Catholic identity?

A. The Novus Ordo itself retains a Catholic identity. But it is what
might be termed a transitional Mass, it retains a Catholic identity,
but with the active potential within it not to.

Q.51. What do you mean by this?

A The changes, the introduction of the Novus Ordo, had its own
build-up period and in that time what was presented gave an
idea of the direction that the Vatican II influence was taking.

Q. 52. Can you give an example?

A. Yes. There was an indication of the changes ahead when the first
draft proposals emerged at the 1967 Synod in Rome; the Orate Fratres
(Pray, Brethren, that my Sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to
God the Father Almighty)had been left out in the proposals. It was,
however, re-instated. But there was also the highly significant use of
terminology. The proposal was that rather than the Mass being
termed "The Mass." It would now be termed "The Lord's Supper or Mass"
(reminiscent of Cranmer's terminology.) And so the benchmark was at
that time becoming clear, between the Mass as a Sacrifice (Catholic) its
true identity, or the Mass as a narrative and a memorial of the Lord's
Supper (ecumenical/protestant.) And keeping in mind, for example, that
when the Novus Ordo first appeared it was most often said or sung in
Latin and facing the altar. But this gradually changed. Latin, the sacred
language of the Church, and which also helps maintain unity of worship.

Q.53 How do you see the Novus Ordo as aligning in practical terms?

A. In the Mass being a Sacrifice, Catholic; "Go unto the altar of God"
(Calvary.)Tridentine. And the Mass as a narrative, a memorial
(ecumenical/protestant.) In terms of both the Novus Ordo (in its
potential), or the lurking Common rite mass this means a narrative of
past events, ie that the readings, rather than being an active focus
upon, instead replace anything that takes place by way of enacting
"here and now" (Sacrifice. Catholic.) And so if the readings are
disproportionately extended and with community based features
developing further eg bidding prayers, and community based mass
"themes" then this is a protestant direction.

Q. 54 And so Vatican II and its immediate aftermath introduced
significant changes in this context.

A. Yes.

Q 55. And it links directly to the Lex Orandi , Lex Credendi.

A. Yes. We must always remember that the Lex Orandi is the Lex
Credendi; the way we worship reflects what we believe. The Novus
Ordo is very vulnerable. The Tridentine Mass is THEE Mass of the
Catholic Church.

Q 56. You have an example of what can happen in the Church in
these post Vatican II times.

A. Yes, the following is what happened to me (in 2017) on a Sunday
morning in a Catholic Church, in the context of the Tridentine.

St Mary's Catholic Church , Chislehurst.

Q 57 Do you think that all Catholic parishes are in danger of this
happening; that a mix and match or new type of service, whatever it
might be, could just be introduced, and as though at random and
without any notification?

A. I think this evidences that they are.

Q.58 Just going back directly to the effects of Vaticam II, you have
mentioned the Ordinariate.

A. Yes, it a development of the Vatican II approach and a
distraction away from preparations for The Lord's Second Coming.

Q. 59 Do you think that the Ordinariate is Anglican?

A. Yes. Identifiable in terms of Anglican identity and presented
as a group which has rejected the direction of mainstream
Anglicanism. It tends to be characterized as having rejected
the authority of women in the Anglican communion. Also as having
traditionalist Anglican concerns about liberalisms in Anglican

Q. 60 What do you think that the Ordinariate is as an entity in
the context of the Catholic Church?

A. Presented as Anglican, and with a profound attachment to Anglican
patrimony, and which has rejected what is happening in its own community
but which refuses to convert to Roman Catholicism. And instead has sought
recognition by the Holy See; seeking specifically to be termed as being
"in communion with Rome." And seeking to be funded and resourced by
the Catholic Church.

Q.61 Can the Catholic Church give such a recognition to the

A. No, because it has no authority over an Anglican group, this is
because according to Church teaching, a protestant community is
non-apostolic, and is 'protestant' (in protest) against the Catholic
Church and so the Catholic Church can have no authority over any
defined as such. And Anglicanism, as Anglicans themselves would
be first to point out, is part of protestantism, not part of Roman

Q 62. Do you think that the Ordinariate is in a way being used for
Vatican II purposes; that it is providing a type of Template for the
ecumenical(protestant) framework of Vatican II that is taking shape
alongside the Church?

A. Yes. It has its own powers and structures and is classed as being
a diocese and so it is a clearly identifiable "concrete" community
'church' structure. Catholics are in danger of being aligned with and
then into it.

Q. 63 But why can't the Ordinariate itself be Roman Catholic?

A. Because it cannot get over its first hurdle. It itself neither wants to
have, and cannot have, a Roman Catholic animus and identity .

Q. 64 Why can it not get over this hurdle?

A. Because under Anglicanorum Coetibus the Anglican
(protestant) elements have to retain their identity in order to
be included (have to be Anglican to qualify as inclusion criteria.) And
so they are Anglican, and if they are Anglican, then they align with
Anglican beliefs which must, by definition, remain with them. And this
point is very much emphasized in Anglicanorum Coetibus III by the
term "liturgical books proper to the Anglican tradition." Therefore,
this in Anglican protestantism. And so it cannot overcome the
hurdle(the inherent contradiction) that in order for the liturgical
elements to be those which the Anglicans want to retain, they
must be defined and identified as Anglican; from the Anglican
tradition, and so part of Anglican worship culture, doctrine,
animus and belief. And so to adapt them out of Anglicanism
cannot work with the necessary criteria for their inclusion.
Therefore, Anglicanism (protestantism) identity is retained.

Q.65. Do you think that problems have been caused by Vatican II
saying of the Church that "elements of sanctification and truth are
found outside of its visible structure."(5)

A. Yes. But this (6) was only supposed to apply in relation to the
Church Herself. And so the separated Eastern Churches were
included (on account of their recognized sacraments; their apostolic
heritage, and ecclesiastical structuring.) The Anglican (reformation
protestant) community, however, was supposed to be the subject of
no more than dialogue (7) hence the formation of the commission,
the ARCIC following Vatican II. But because it is a Vatican II novelty
and, as with any novelty, virtually uncontrollable, it opens the way
for those outside of the Church to decide that it means whatever
they want it to mean.

And it is a dangerous novelty that was roundly condemned by the
Popes pre-Vatican II, in the context of worship in common.

And indeed if such were possible the Popes would surely long ago
have been onto it. They never entertained any such thing.

Q. 66 But why is it a novelty? And why is it destructive?

A. Because it tries to detach belief from expression. As though if all
say and do the same by way of expression, even though with some
different cultural expression, they will, in some way, all be the same.
What needs to be remembered is that all denominations and
religions already all believe that they contain sanctification and truth;
and expression of beliefs can be similar or even identical, for
example, certain modes of prayer, incense burning etc. But it is
belief that gives a particular identity. And so, for example, with the
Anglican community; their identity, their belief is centred on their 39
articles of religion and in which are found beliefs that are very,
very different to Roman Catholic belief. In the 39 articles
Transubstantiation is not recognized, nor is the Mass as a sacrifice.
The sinlessness of the Blessed Virgin is not recognized. Purgatory is
not believed in, nor the invocation of the saints. Prayers for the
dead, always so vitally important and so intrinsic to Catholic belief,
are called "blasphemous fables and dangerous deceits"(art 31.)
Justification by Faith alone; the belief that nothing a person does
affects their salvation and that good works (undefined) follow
on as the fruit of Justification (Luther's belief) are expressly taught in
the Articles.

These are very serious errors and very, very, very different to Catholic belief.
And the Book of Common prayer is known as "the liturgical outworking of the
articles." Along the paths of God's Justice, which all are subject to, what we
do matters, and it matters a very great deal; the whole of scripture tells us
the same !!

Only two sacraments are recognized by Anglicans; baptism and "the supper
of the Lord."

And remember that in previous centuries Catholicism and Anglicanism
were referred to as being different religions.

Q 67. But with regard to the Ordinariate. It has said that it accepts
Church teaching and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

A. But here Catholic identity and Vatican II "novelty" identity
needs to be looked at closely. Vatican II documents contain all
sorts of vagueness and ambiguities; the reasons why novelty
has taken hold. And the post Vatican II Catechism was actively
promoted as being ecumenical when it first appeared. It, in effect,
contains Catholic teaching and ecumenical teaching. And also
keeping in mind that the Complementary Norms (the rules)
governing the Ordinariate can be changed or adapted.

But note that if it accepts Catholic teaching then it must note and
accept long held Catholic teaching that the Anglican Church is not
a proper Church (is a Christian community) and has no proper
sacraments or priesthood.

But note also that, since the Ordinariate has a complete structuring
(is its own diocese both alongside and within Catholic dioceses)
obviously the stronger foothold it gains then there is the worry of it
applying its own views directly itself. And with the Ordinariate the
question is always begged:Why did they not want to convert to
Roman Catholicism?

Q.68 But isn't the Ordinariate liturgy supposed to be compliant
with Church teaching?

A. But that is to do with another hurdle that the Ordinariate cannot
overcome. The Catholic Church has no authority over the Anglican
liturgy (because according to Catholic Church teaching the Anglican
community is not apostolic; not a proper Church.) And Anglican liturgy
does not belong to the Ordinariate, it belongs to the Anglican communion.
And the Anglican liturgy was written by protestants for a protestant
service. And coming back to its first hurdle, Anglicanorum Coetibus
states that its liturgies must be those proper to the Anglican tradition.

Q.69 Are there any indications as to how much Anglicanism is actually
being retained?

A. The Ordinariate mass is termed the Anglican rite. There seems to
have been no objections to it by the Ordinariate which indicates its
Anglicanism. And when its Missal (Divine Worship) appeared in 2015
there were no objections and perhaps a response in Australia provides
an example as to why this is.

Q. 70 Is this something that took place when the Ordinariate Missal
was first introduced?

A. Yes. A talk that was given by the Australian Ordinariate in 2015
to the Prayer Book Society(Book of Common Prayer) (8) about the
new Ordinariate missal, where it was said:

"..is remarkable in that its texts are largely drawn from the Book of
Common Prayer and the Anglican tradition or 'patrimony'...."

And that:

".....This is the first time in history that distinctive elements of an
ecclesial community established at the Reformation have found an
honoured place in the life of the Catholic Church."

Q 71. What about Anglican Patrimony, is this preserved?

A. Anglican Patrimony has been given what might be termed a new
definition by The CDF.

Q. 72. What do you mean?

A. The CDF in conjunction with Anglicanae Traditiones (the Liturgical
Commission of the Ordinariate) decided to give a definition of
the meaning of the term "Anglican Patrimony." In 2013 it stated:

"We have thought a lot about what constitutes Anglican Patrimony,
particularly as it involves the liturgy, and we have a working
definition. It is to say that "Anglican liturgical patrimony is that which
has nourished the Catholic faith within the Anglican tradition during
the time of ecclesiastical separation, and has given rise to this new
desire for full communion." (9)

This is as though Anglican patrimony is being given a new type of
definition. This because Anglican patrimony, based on the 39 articles,
does not prompt a Roman Catholic direction. Anglican liturgical
patrimony does not mean Roman Catholic liturgical patrimony. The
reality is, for example, that in Britain between 1673 (Test Act 1673)
and 1829 all holders of any public office were required to deny
Transubstantiation and attend Anglican communion (thus excluding
Catholics from holding any public office.) Anglican liturgical patrimony
means what it says it means: Anglican liturgical patrimony! And this
is a serious matter. This (as though) ecumenical re-write of history
is as though trying to align high church Anglo-Catholicism
(with its 39 Articles) with Roman Catholicism.The vast differences
between Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism, is witnessed to by our
brave Catholic recuscant martyrs. These Catholics did not think that
Anglican liturgical patrimony was Roman Catholicism, and nor, as is
abundantly clear, did the Anglicans themselves. An ecumenical re-write
of history helps no one

Q.73 What are the ways in which the Ordinariate is infiltrating into
the Church at Parish level?

A.The five ways that it is infiltrating into Catholic parishes are as follows:

There is the Ordinariate using a Catholic parish as a host and/or as its base. Second is where the
Ordinariate have their own premises/which was not previously a Catholic church (rare.) Third is
where the Ordinariate is taking over an existing Catholic parish. Four is where the Ordinariate is
appointed directly (by the Catholic Diocese, and by the Ordinariate.) For both three and four this
might be accompanied by the Catholic parish being formally given over to the Ordinariate and
which then becomes an “Ordinariate “ parish. Five is where the Ordinariate group exists within
a Catholic parish, but which is visited by the Ordinariate.

And May 2017 saw, in Torbay, the first church/parish of the
Ordinariate's own diocese(scenario two above.)

Q.74 What can Catholics do?

A. It is a very difficult situation at this stage because very many in
the Church are pushing for this direction. But Catholics must do what
we can to be no part of it at all. It means seeking to ensure a good
strong Catholic identity. It means keeping away from ecumenism
whilst keeping to pre-Vatican II teachings (the true Rock
and Column of the Faith) as much as possible.

Try, as much as we possibly can, to keep to good, established, traditional,
Church teachings and ways. Keeping the Church intact, and recognizably
Roman Catholic, so that wrong ways and attachments (and structures)
do not lead Catholics into going outside of Her! And can bring those who
are outside within.

But to emphasize it needs to be understood that these are the very, very
last times of the world as we know it. Human left in the world are amidst
a vast density of apostate angels; the "locusts" foretold in the Apocalypse.
And that the focus must be on preparations for The Lord's Second Coming
in Judgement.

Q.75 The well known prophesy of St Malachy concerns the very last times of the world as we know it. How appropriate is it to focus on this at this time?

A. It is very appropriate; very relevant. We are now in a position to know that Archbishop Malachy in his prophesy of the popes (and which can also be termed a vision) accurately saw, and foretold, in the year 1139, the number of future holders of the papal chair to coincide with these very last times of the world as we know it.

Q.76 What happened in the year 1139 and what St Malachy tells us?

A. In 1139 Archbishop Malachy ( Archbishop Máel Máedoc Ua Morgair 1094-1148) an Irish prelate of the sees of Armagh and Cashel in Ireland, was in Rome to give a report on his dioceses to Pope Innocent II, and to receive his wool palliums (shepherd's cloak) in relation to his two Bishoprics. Whilst there he had a vision in which he saw a long line of Popes (holders of the papal chair.) And he attributed a verse to each of those whom he saw. Joseph Ratzinger (known as Benedict XVI) is number one hundred and eleven on the list.

St Malachy has always been given credence because he attributed a verse; a phrase relevant to the individual, even though some do seem a bit obscure. But sometimes they are clear. Examples are Pope Benedict XV (p.1914-22) who reigned during world war I, during the onset of communism, during the great Spanish flu, and during this era of ever increasing numbers of incarnate demons (although unaware) he has the phrase "Religion depopulated."

Pope Pius IX (p.1846-1878)who had earlier tried so hard to defend the Papal states from being seized, and who spent a time in exile from Rome, and then became, in a way, a prisoner in the Vatican, and in whose reign (although unaware) saw the release of the devil and his incarnate demons from hell, has the phrase "Crux de Cruce" (Cross of Crosses.) This is thought to relate to his having a greater cross to bear than most. If the particularities of the secret of La Salette had been recognized, it would have been seen as more than fulfilling the phrase "Cross of Crosses."

(Note that the mid-late mid 19th century [given as 1864 in the secret of La Salette) seems accurate as to the timing of the release of the “Locusts” (the incarnate demons) from the Abyss “the bottomless pit” by the fallen star (obviously identified by commentators as Lucifer himself) his having been given the key to “the bottomless pit.” (Apoc:9:1-3) )

However, many of the phrases given by St Malachy on his list relate to a place of birth, to an emblem on a coat of arms, or to a previous post held or similar, for example, Pope Martin V[1417-31] has the verse: "Crown of the golden curtain" he had previously been Cardinal deacon of St George at the golden curtains. And Pope Callixtus III[1455-58] a Spanish Pope has for his verse "Pasturing Ox." His coat of arms feature an Ox.

Note that St Malachy's list includes a number of anti-popes (those who claimed the papal chair in opposition to the Pope.) That St Malachy included these as occuring during the centuries can be explained in the context of what St Malachy experienced; that St Malachy had a vision not an explanation as to who was and who was not the actual Pope at that time. It must be assumed in this context that he saw those dressed in papal robes and included all those whom he saw.

Q77 How many were there On Archbishop Malachys list altogether?

A. One hundred and twelve [thirteen] 112 or 113.

Q. 78 Many think it was one hundred and twelve, which is accurate?

A. It can be looked at in this context: Archbishop Malachy presented one hundred and eleven entries in a one line verse; but the next part, the very last part, is quite different; it is not a verse as such (or verses) but a statement of events about the future (the time that is now upon us; this era, these very, very last times of the world as we know it.) And St Malachy also gives a precise name: “Petrus” “Peter.”

If looking at this in terms of there being one hundred and thirteen entries, then for one hundred and twelve there is a two line verse and for one hundred and thirteen, and which contains the part about Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman) reigning in the very last times of the world, there are eight lines. (This makes 113 on the list.)

OR there is a one ten line verse,( making 112 on the list.)

Q. 79 Why is there a confusion as to whether there is one hundred and twelve or one hundred and thirteen?

A. It is thought to stem from a seventeenth century translation which, it would seem referred to it as a one ten line verse, and possibly also because an anomaly was noticed.

Q.80 What is the anomaly?

A. That if it is one hundred and thirteen entries, then it is one hundred and twelve who sits in the last times of the world, as does one hundred and thirteen, who reigns/ ”will feed his flock”. This would perhaps have been incomprehensible at that time. But it does make sense in the context of these very, very last times of the world as we know it.

When written as 113 entries (ie as their being a 112 and a 113) this is what is shown:

In persecutione extre ma sre. Sedebit.

There will sit in the final persecution of The Holy Roman Church.(112)


Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in maltis tribulationibus, quibis transactis civitas septicollis difuetur, & judex tremendus judicabit populum suma finis.”

Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will Judge the people. The End. 113.

Or the whole of the above written as one ten line verse gives 112 entries.

Q.81 What does the actual written text before the seventeenth century itself show us?

As shown in the Lignum Vitae; late 16th century (1595), which shows the later part of the text (St Malachy's list), it can be viewed here.

A. The pattern of writing, the entry positioning, the punctuation, possibly indicates that there were one hundred and thirteen entries made. In particular the full stop. In the other entries the full stop completes a particular entry. But on the other hand the last entry (or entries) is unique. This copy (Lignum Vitae) was made by Fr Wion, a Benedictine monk for his history of the Benedictine Order and copied under strict supervision from the Vatican archives.

But I think in any case that Jorge Bergoglio (known as Francis I )can be discounted.

Q.82 Why do you say this. And what number is he/would he be on the list?

A. Because, as mentioned, Archbishop Malachy had a vision, not an explanation. He was a senior prelate and if in his vision he saw one dressed in papal robes(in white) and freely moving around and still living in the Vatican and not a hostage or in exile in any way or 'anti' to anyone else around him (ie Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI) and who he had already identified and was on his list, it would perhaps have been difficult for St Malachy to imagine a two at once scenario. But on the other hand, it is clear that he did include a more than one scenario when including antipopes from down through the centuries, in his list.

Q. 83 If he did not include Jorge Bergoglio, does that mean that the next one will be Petrus Romanus?

A. Not if Petrus Romanus is number one hundred and thirteen.

Q.84 What if Archbishop Malachy did include Jorge Bergoglio (Francis I) will his successor be Petrus Romanus?

A. Not If it is number one hundred and twelve sits in the final persecution of the Church. The most that it could mean is that there is more than one sitting as number one hundred and twelve. Something that Catholic commentators have remrked upon in recent centiries. See, for example, commentary on St Malachy's list in The Catholic Enyclopedia 1911 which states:

"It has been noticed concerning Petrus Romanus, who, according to St Malachy's list is to be the last Pope that the prophesy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor designated Gloria Olive. It merely says he is to be the last.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia 1913 edition (quoted in www.catholic pages .com)

Q. 85 What do you think that all of this means?

A. I think it means that St Malachy saw exactly what was going to happen in these years that directly precede Our Lord's Second Coming. But he had a vision, he did not have an explanation to go with it. And that Catholics, in responsibility and maturity must recognize that without a most drastic of drastic changes in the Church (not foreseeable, nor possible in this era as it is) it is not possible for anyone in this era as it is remotely fitting the description of Petrus Romanus to hold the papal chair. And that since only a cleric who has come through the ranks of the Church can sit in the papal chair, and be voted in at a papal conclave, then the one only other person who can sit in the papal chair is St Peter himself.

And within the verse that Archbishop Malachy gives for “Petrus Romanus” “Peter the Roman” is "who will feed his flock" which is very reminiscent of Our Lord's words to Peter:"Feed my sheep"[Jn 21:17.] I think this tells us a great deal.

There is no other name as such in St.Malachy's list and so the last verse (or verses) are unique; “Petrus”, “Peter” “Rock.” There is also the point that in the earlier centuries, great emphasis was laid upon the pope being in St Peter's chair and that St Peter himself reigned and that he nurtured those who succeeded him.

Q. 86 But in a practical sense how can St Peter reign?

A. Again it comes back to understanding that we are in the years that directly precede Our Lord's Second Coming, that the world is flooded with apostate angels, and that Catholics (human Catholics) must do all we can to protect the Church and prepare for the Lord.

Q.87 How can Catholics do this? And what is the scenario that we are in?

A. As mentioned earlier, I liken the situation to there being pirates on board Ship (imposters; apostate angels), and not just any ship; St Peter's Ship; the Ark of Salvation. It is not a good idea to jump overboard! The way, for all humans in the Church, is to keep to the good, strong, traditional Church teachings and ways, have the right intentions, and stay as closely within the Church as possible, and Trust Our Lord who said that He would be with His Church all through the days:

.. and behold I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world. "[Mt 28:20]

The Catholic Church is joined to Almighty God through heavenly union!
Always seek the greater glory of God. And stay very close to the Blessed Virgin Mary; our Mother, who is our most powerful Advocate with Her Son; She always seeks to bond us to Him; Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Immaculate; without sin, as befits Her role as the Mother of God, and as the “new Eve” as always being obedient to God (in contrast to Eve) Mary, without sin, and always in faithful obedience, is our powerful Mother; protecting us, Her children, from the evil ones.

Prayer is always so vitally important, and devotions are important. The Church has long established devotions: Devotion to Our Lord's Sacred Heart. Devotion to Our Lady of Dolours and, of course, the Rosary; with their meditations on the Gospels. These being prime examples. They draw us into the bonds and along the paths of God's Mercy whilst teaching us Eternal Wisdom in good, sound, spiritual direction. And The Church is being watched over by our heavenly family; the Church triumphant. And this includes St Peter; and try to remain aware of how our whole heavenly family, of angels and saints is so helping us in what are now these very, very last days of the world as we know it.

Q. 88 Do you think that Our Lord is helping us Himself directly in
this era?

A. Yes. He knows the predicament that we are in and our whole
heavenly family are helping us and are close to us. Many things are
gathering momentum now in this great build up period.
But we must put the Rights of God first. And it is vital that
the structures of the Church are kept in place. And that the Church
return to pre -Vatican II Church teachings.

Q. 89 Have you asked the Curia ?

A. I have asked the Curia (see letter sent to the Curia) for a
department to be set in the Church for preparations for Our
Lord's Second Coming to begin. And in the same letter ask for
a return to pre-Vatican II teachings. We cannot expect a reply.

Q. 90. Do you see your role as helping the Church.

A. Yes.

Q. 91 What about the extent of the current depletion of mankind?

A. It is now very, very severe. And mankind is in need of help, desperately.

Q. 92 Putting the Rights of God first is vitally important.

A. Yes. Vitally important and pray that Our lord's Second Coming be
soon, as anticipated.

See also The Short Guide to Understanding The Apocalypse.
And The Two Era's:

Q. 93. What about the time scale as to our
Lord's Second Coming?

A. Only God knows the exact time, but in His great Mercy and Love
He has made much known as to the times that we are now in.
The 2020's can be considered strongly to be the penultimate
decade in anticipation of what can be strongly considered to be the last (2030's.)
Many indications do point to this. It is right to Plan and Prepare.

Angela Anne Mary St John. October 2017
Posted first on 28th October 2017. Feast of St Jude and St Simon.
(nb a significant number paragraphs edited, deleted and added to subsequently;
in 2018, 2019, and 2020.)

(Angela Anne Mary St John is also known as Angela Margaret Mary

1AD Beatissimi Apostolorum (Appealing For Peace)1914
2 Orientalium Ecclesiarium
3 Unitatis Redintegratio
4 As shown in Unitatis Redintegratio
5Lumen Gentium para 8(2)] also found in Unitatis Redintegratio
6 see. Unitatis Redintegratio
7 Unitatis Redintegratio [para 22]
8 Address- Prayer Book Society:"The Ordinariate and the Book of
Common Prayer": All Saints', East St Kilda 10.10.2015
9 Stated by the CDF in 2013

Basilica of La Salette.

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