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The Reality of Hell.

The Reality of hell.

When we die we go to judgement. Tradition tells us that there are different levels of hell. And that the destination of a soul sent to hell, to any one of the levels, depends on the type of sins committed during one's lifetime.

Hell is a real place, “the bottomless pit” the Abyss. Our Lord God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who dwells in glory, humbling Himself to partake of our humanity to prevent a man and woman's automatic descent into hell upon death (the effects of the fall of Adam and Eve, and with them the whole of mankind) making precisely that point to us. We must be joined with Him in His glorious resurrection from the dead. Indeed Our Lord made Himself "the Son of Man" for our sakes. And humans should never ever mistake how serious all of this is. He warned us about hell on numerous occasions, for example:[Lk12.5] [Lk16:19] [Mt5:22] [Mt5:29-30] [Mt7:13] [Mt13:41-42] [Mt25:41] [Mt25:46] [Mt13:50] [Mk9:42-48.]

Hell is the abode of the devil and his demons, (and imprisoned human souls kept in chains.) It is a place where, at all and every cost, humans Must Not Go! For there, human souls (soul and body) are abased, and in horrifying ways.


Our Lord said, for example:

"If thy hand is an occasion of sin to thee, cut it off! It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than, having two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire, 'Where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.' And if thy foot is an occasion of sin to thee, cut it off! It is better for thee to enter into life everlasting lame, than, having two feet, to be cast into the hell of unquenchable fire, 'Where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.' And if thy eye is an occasion of sin to thee, pluck it out! It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell-fire, 'Where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.' [Mk9:42-47].


Asmodeus, who is written of in the Old Testament Book of Tobias, and warned of in the Secret of La Salette (para.25) is known as the demon of lust (one of the seven deadly sins) and as being responsible for twisting peoples sexual desires. Those who fall into his ways and die unrepentant are said to be sentenced to [an eternity] in the second level of hell. Note how in this last era there is all sorts of encouragement of sexual distortions, irregularities, perversions, and promiscuity. Sexual sins are very highly dangerous for the soul.

Also Our Lord's Words:

“For what does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? [Mk 8:36-37, Mt 16:26.]


Words so precious for us in our understanding.

From what is made known to me about hell, I can say that I understand that there are indeed different levels of hell. And that on each level there are fires, and in some, there are quarries of fire. Words cannot adequately describe the horrors of hell. It is a place where at all and every conceivable cost imaginable, humans MUST NOT GO!

Mankind must awaken to the reality of hell and awaken to our responsibility not only for our own souls but for those of others also. As stated above, God made mankind (the soul) immortal; our souls go somewhere when we die. Hell is real and it is referred to throughout scripture. As stated above, Our Lord very particularly drew attention to hell and stated very explicitly how we should give all to avoid it.

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