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Thee Mass.

The Tridentine Mass, the great ancient Latin Mass; "The Mass of Ages" is the true Mass of the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Mass is the "source and summit" of the life of the Catholic Church. And, in
effect, the identity of the Mass controls the very identity of the Church.

please read Questions, (comments) and Answers (in a broader context) here:

Note that the part about the Mass begins at Q 47, (the part specifically
about the Tridentine Mass can be read below:) You can read the part in
the Questions and Answers that looks specifically at the Mass in the second
link below:

There are many concerns about what identity the proposed "Common rite" mass will bring.

Q. 49. Is the Tridentine Mass crucial in maintaining the identity of the
Catholic Church?

A. Yes. Of course it is so vital. The Canon of the Mass goes back to
at least the 4th century (traced in writings to that time) and the
Council of Trent and the Council of Florence both affirmed its origin
in Apostolic times. The Mass is Our Lord's great Sacrifice (which
was complete and for all time) but repeated; in an unbloody form,
everyday on the altar and with the faithful; both living and dead,
benefiting from Our Lord's precious Body and Blood and from the
graces and merits won for us through His great Sacrifice
accordingly. The Mass is offered to God in adoration, thanksgiving,
reparation and petition. And with Our Lord Himself as the principal celebrant.
Pope(St) Pius X, echoing St John Vianney (patron saint of parish
priests) referred to the Mass as being: "The Highest prayer that
exists." It is the great offering to God the Father by God the Son
Himself. And so we can look at the Catholic Mass, the Tridentine
"Mass of Ages" in a very particular way precisely because we expect
it to be the very best that the Church can do. Our Lord God and
Saviour deserves the best for the re-enactment of His sacrifice. And
because of this; what the Mass is, it had to be pristine; had to be the
very best; had to be protected and fortified; this all the duty and
primary role of the Church, guided by God the Holy Ghost, and so
this; the Tridentine Mass, must have fulfilled that role of being the
very best that the Church can do. It is not a question of a wardrobe
of Masses. There can be no better Mass. The Tridentine Mass is
fully qualified as being the Mass of the Catholic Church. To say
otherwise is to say that the Magisterium of the Church, under the
guidance of the Holy Ghost, failed Her Lord and Master in this one
of Her great primary functions and roles. Fr Faber, a convert to
Catholicism, described the sung Tridentine Mass as being "the most
beautiful thing this side of heaven."

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