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Pange Lingua Gloriosi.

The Last Supper by Giotto c.1305

Pange Lingua Gloriosi. By St Thomas Aquinas. Often shortened to its final two stanzas, "Tantum Ergo."

Most often: Corpus Christi, Benediction, Holy Thursday. This Hymn by St Thomas was inspired by Pange Lingua gloriosi proelium certaminis by Saint Venantius Fortunas c530 - c600 or 609.

Pange Lingua Gloriosi, Corporis mysterium…. by St Thomas Aquinas:

Pange Lingua gloriosi......................................Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory,
Corporis mysterium,........................................Of His Flesh the mystery sing;
Sanguinisque pretiosi,......................................Of His Blood, all price exceeding,
Quem in mundi pretium..................................Shed by our Immortal King,
Fructus ventris generosi,.................................Destined, for the world's redemption,
Rex effudit gentium.........................................From a noble Womb to spring.

Nobis datus, nobis natus..................................Of a pure and spotless Virgin
Ex intacta Virgine.............................................Born for us on earth below,
Ex in mundo conversatus,................................He, as Man, with man conversing,
Sparso verbi semine,........................................Stayed, the seeds of Truth to sow;
Sui moras incolatus.........................................Then He closed in solemn order
Miro clausit ordine...........................................Wondrously His life of woe.

In Supremae nocte coenae.............................. On the night of that Last Supper,
Recumbens cum fratribus,...............................Seated with His chosen band,
Observata lege plene........................................He the Pascal victim eating ,
Cibis in legalibus,.............................................First fulfils the Law's command;
Cibum turbae duodenae..................................Then as Food to His Apostles
Se dat suis manibus..........................................Gives Himself with His own Hand.

Verbum caro,panem verum.............................Word made Flesh, the bread of nature
Verbo carnem efficit:.......................................By His Word to Flesh He turns;
Fitque sanguis Christi:merum,........................Wine into His Blood He changes:
Et si sensus deficit,..........................................What though sense no change discerns?
Ad firmandum cor sincerum............................Only be the heart in earnest,
Sola fides sufficit..............................................Faith her lesson quickly learns.

Tantum ergo sacramentum,........................... Down in adoration falling,
Veneremur cernui;..........................................Lo! The sacred Host we hail!
Et antiquum documentum..............................Lo! o'er ancient forms departing,
Novo cedet ritui;.............................................Newer rites of grace prevail;
Praestet fides supplementum.........................Faith for all defects supplying,
Sensum defectui..............................................Where the feeble senses fail.

Genitori, Genitoque,....................................... To the everlasting Father,
Laus et jubilatio;..............................................And the Son who reigns on high,
Salus, honor, virtus quoque.............................With the Holy Ghost proceeding
Sit et benedictio:...............................................Forth from Each eternally,
Procedenti ab utroque .....................................Be salvation, honour, blessing,
Compar sit laudatio. Amen...............................Might, and endless Majesty. Amen.

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