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The Divine Timetable comes first.

Monday 21 October 2024

Here is shown chapters 14 to 16 of The Apocalypse. St John writes: And I saw, and behold, the...

View all The Apocalypse ch 14-16.

WE ARE IN THE VERY, VERY LAST TIMES OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. Please keep in mind Our Lord's Words; to "WATCH" (Mk13:37) (Matt. 24:23-51 & 25:1-46) (Lk:12:40 & 21:25-36.) BE READY!
Our Lord spoke to me on March 5th 1992. This is 40 years before 2032. 2032 as being the 2000th anniversary of Our Lord's glorious Resurrection from the dead and Ascension into heaven (some hold AD33 to be the first Easter.) 40 years is the Biblical time of preparation and culmination. We are also now well into that shown in ch 14 of The Apocalypse. Our Lord's Second Coming is shown in ch 14 v.14. March 5th is 40 days before April 14th. April 14th is thought by many to be the date of the Passover/Last Supper/The New Covenant in AD 32. March 5th 2032 as being then 40 days before the 2000th anniversary of the Last Supper and the institution of the New Covenant. It was around 9am that I felt the Spiritual force begin, and which continued throughout the time before,and the time during which the Lord spoke to me, and for a while following the time that the Lord spoke to me. 9 am was known in the times of Our Lord as the third hour of the day; the third hour was approximately the time of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles . See St Peter's words about the third hour in the Acts of the Apostles: (Acts 2:15) See: The Westcliff. The 2030's are rightly a focus of great attention.
The World is flooded with apostate angels, and with their vast intelligence; the "locusts" released from the bottomless pit (Apoc 9:1-3.) The build up to Armagedon (Apoc ch 16 & 19:17-21) is a difficult time for the relatively few humans left in the world (we are in that time Now!) See: The Two eras, Guide to The Apocalypse, The Secrets of La Salette, Locust amidst mankind, and Fallen creatures:

The Apocalypse, a Guide: This guide is an attempt to unlock (for mankind) what is happening in the context of the divine timetable, and which is always the most significant. It of course always takes precedence over any and every other timetable. Far better for us to know what is really happening than not to know! And to be "watching" and prepared. Our Lord told us to "Watch" (Mk 13:37) (Lk12:40 & 21:36) (Mt 24:42-44 & 25:13.) Be ready!

Also see further down page, the booklet with an intriguing question that can only make sense in the last times of the world. see: Booklet read it here.
The final chastisement upon mankind; the release of Lucifer and a great number of demons from hell (secret: La Salette 11,) and in 'human' form; incarnate demons (secret: La Salette 12) accords with The Apocalypse ch. eight and nine; in particular the release of the "locusts" by the "fallen star"(Lucifer himself) his having been given the key to the bottomless pit (Apoc. 9:1-3.) Also with The Apocalypse ch.20: 7-9. It is the world's chilling secret. see: The Secrets of La Salette.

The following question, (the question itself contained in the Booklet) is unique to these last times of the world as we know it; it can only make sense (and which it does make sense) in the circumstances of this era (the question has its own build up to it) and the question itself is for secularists/non-believers to answer. But it is of interest to both believers and non- believers, as reflected in the full Booklet's task, and which is: To help non-believers to believe, and to believe that these are the very last times of the world as we know it. And to help those who already believe to understand that these are the very last times of the world as we know it.

Or there is the shortened version: see further down Home page.
"It is difficult to persevere in holiness because of the excessively corrupting influence of the world. The world is so corrupt that it seems almost inevitable that religious hearts will be soiled, if not by its mud, at least by its dust. It is something of a miracle for anyone to stand firm in the midst of this raging torrent and not be swept away; to weather this stormy sea and not be drowned, or robbed by pirates; to breathe this pestilential air and not be contaminated by it. It is Mary, the singularly faithful Virgin over whom Satan had never any power, who works this miracle for those who truly love Her."[True Devotion to BVM. 89:3] (written c. 1710.) St Louis Marie de Montfort.

The Seven opened seals of The Apocalypse; opened by Our Lord (Apoc 5:1-8 )reveal what will, and has now happened, to mankind. On the day of the Lord we must have “overcome.” This is vital. St John writes in The Apocalypse:

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who had overcome the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing on the sea of glass, having the harps of God and singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “Great and marvellous are thy works, O Lord God almighty; just and true are thy ways, O King of the ages. Who will not fear thee, O Lord, and magnify thy name? for thou alone art holy. For all nations will come and worship before thee; because thy judgements are manifest.” (Apoc; 15:2-4.) The Song of Moses: in Deuteronomy 32:1-43.The Song of The Lamb is Our Lord's victory over death and hell.

(See: A Short Guide to Understanding The Apocalypse)

(The Pamplet is also shown below on this Home page.)

Our Lord's Words as to His Second Coming are found primarily in the Gospel according to St Matt: (24:3-41) St Mark (13:3-27) and St Luke (21:8-36.) The Apocalypse, the very last Book of The Bible, includes a profound prophecy; a foretelling of mankind's path, and wrong path, and gives great warnings as to the dangers in following the wrong path; reflecting Our Lord's Words in the gospel as to the reality of hell; for example:[Lk12.5] [Lk16:19-24] [Mt5:22] [Mt5:29-30] [Mt7:13] [Mt13:41-42] [Mt25:41-46] [Mt13:49-50] [Mk9:42-48.] As with the whole of scripture, The Apocalypse deserves repeated and diligent reading, it is very wise for humans to do so, and NOW! The Apocalypse (revelation) is a Divine revelation that was given to St John the Apostle/the Divine towards the end of his life in the first century. St John was shown what will happen “..I will show you things that must come to pass hereafter.” (Apoc ch 4:1.) Along the paths of God's Justice, which all are subject to, what we do matters, and it matters a very great deal; the whole of scripture tells us the same (oh man read it!) The time is to be availed of God's great Mercy and to make our paths straight. To prepare in Truth! The Apocalypse includes the immediate build-up period to Our Lord's Second Coming and reveals mankind's last times chastisement; the world has a Chilling Secret (see: The secrets of La Salette) that severely affects the last times “harvest” of the world. The Church was alerted to the chastisement beginning in the 19th Century. Please pray that the Sign of The Son of Man that Our Lord said will appear before Him (see Matt 24:30) that it be for a period of time long enough for all of mankind (now very severely depleted in numbers) to prepare for The Lord.


Prayers and Devotions, and meditations on scripture are vital, and they help us to develop strong “recollections” and together with a strong interior life; focussed on God, on His commandments and ways.

“Recollections” to God; to The glorious Trinity. To God's Words; to His teachings and ways, throughout the day so that we can try always to think the right things and act in the right ways in all circumstances of our lives; to try always to be conformed to God's Will. God's words abiding in us. See especially Our Lord's teaching in St John's gospel (ch 14-17.)

St Francis de Sales (a Doctor of the Church and a renowned spiritual director) would tell of how he was taught recollections by his mother as a young child.

Whilst St Louis Marie de Montfort points out as to how the meditations on the Gospels when saying the Rosary disposes us to listen to the voice of Eternal Wisdom.

All of this is vital and none more so in this terrible final era of the world as we know it. For in this modern era, so much serves to detach humans into emotional dependence on objective events, and the emotional tensions found in fictional reading and watching, also into superficial likes and dislikes, rather than developing a strong interior life focussed on our Lord; recollecting to Him; to His commandments, teaching and ways; all unto His greater glory. In our core identity in Him; Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true vine, and the author of our heavenly birth; and to whom we owe so much; and a very great much it is that we owe, to The Father; the Son and the Holy Spirit. (See St. John's gospel ch. 14-17.)

A strong interior life found in the Lord and by which to combat, and to protect ourselves from, the very many wrong influences all around. And this is so vitally important and none more so than in this era, with so much in this era encouraging and endorsing that which is grave sin, and for which sincere repentance is needed.

To live in fear of God (fear of God is one of the Seven great gifts of God the Holy Spirit) and humility is very powerfully related to God's great Mercy, and with grace, and with the divine assistance. Losing the divine assistance is a foremost dread for mankind, individually and collectively. And so it is about giving great glory to God. The words of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Her Magnificat reflect this:

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; because he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid; for, behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed; because he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name; and his mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear him. He has shown might with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of his mercy — even as he spoke to our fathers — to Abraham and to his posterity forever.” [Lk 1:46.55]
__________ Prayer for the help of The Holy Spirit, by St Anthony of Padua:
O God, send for the Your Holy Spirit into my heart that I may perceive, into my mind that I may remember, and into my soul that I may meditate. Inspire me to speak with piety, holiness, tenderness, and mercy. Teach, guide and direct my thoughts and senses from beginning to end. May Your grace ever help and correct me, and may I be strengthened now with wisdom from on high, for the sake of Your infinite mercy. Amen. St Anthony of Padua.
n.b. Note that the primacy for all reading is what it has always been: The Bible! Always seek as a priority a Catholic Bible that has a traditional Catholic commentary. Preferably the Douay-Rhiems, which has Bishop Challoner's notes.
And read the lives of the saints!


Christ The King.

Plan and Prepare.

A Plan and Preparation Pamphlet.

Please note that the pamphlet is an overview; for more detail please see: A Short Guide To Understanding The Apocalypse:


A vitally important time for mankind.

Plan and Preparation

A focus on guidance found in The Apocalypse.

*only God knows the exact time, but in His great Mercy and Love He has made much known as to the times that we are now in.

(To print this page please note that the page titles are listed first and so the page itself (normally) begins on page 2-3.)

Note that this pamphlet is an overview, please see The Short Guide to Understanding The Apocalypse for
more detail.

What is meant by “The Lord's Second Coming in Judgement”?

It means Our Lord as The Just Judge. As He Himself said:

“But when the Son of Man shall come in his majesty, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory; and before him will be gathered all the nations,(Matt 25:31-46.)(Mk 13:24-30.)

Our Lord also told us that the harvest would be reaped:

“..the harvest is at the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels.” (Matt 13:39.) And St John, in The Apocalypse, tells us:

”And I saw, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sitting like to a son of man, having upon his head a crown of gold and in his hand a sharp sickle.”(Apoc 14:14)

Does everyone need to be prepared?

Yes. Our Lord said that:

“And then they will see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds with great power and majesty. And then he will send forth his angels, and will gather his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost parts of the earth to the uttermost parts of heaven.”(Mk 13:26-27.)

And St John, in the Apocalypse, tells us as to how:

“Behold, he comes with the clouds, and every eye shall see him.. (Apoc.1:7-8.)

We ourselves must and be on: “The Sea of Glass” (Apoc. 15 )

Anticipated (focus of great attention): The 2030's(It must be emphasized that only God knows the exact time. But He has made much known for us. It is right to Plan and Prepare with urgency.)

Mankind's last times predicament (depleting in numbers) means that this last era cannot go on too much further into the century. Our Lord said that He would shorten the days for the sake of the elect (Mk 13:20.)

What is “The Apocalypse”?

Apocalypse is a Greek word meaning “revelation.” “The Apocalypse” is a divine revelation given to St John the apostle/the divine, who was shown future events that WILL happen: “....I will show you things that must come to pass hereafter...” (Apoc ch 4:1)

The Apocalypse is very powerful because of what it consists of. It sees the opening of the great scroll from “The throne” by the only one worthy to do so; “the Lamb;” Our Lord (Apoc. 5:1-4.) He breaks open its seven seals to reveal what were then future events. But which have now come to pass, so that we stand at the point we are now in the divine timetable.

Is The Apocalypse complex?

Yes; it reveals future events but also as their having come to pass, and with repetition(s) as to this, together with explanations as to their consequences. And it does this at various points which are often, but not always, in the same timeline sequence. It is set within a divine context, as reflected in its imagery. At some points we can glimpse things more clearly than others.

So how do we know where we are now?

Because of events that have already come to pass in history and which link to the Apocalypse to reveal where we are now to us. The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse provide for us our great clue. They are from the breaking open of the first four seals.

The first seal opened reveals the White Horse; he symbolizes the victory of Christ's Word. The second seal opened reveals the Red Horse; he symbolizes war. The third seal opened reveals the Black Horse; he symbolizes famine. (Apoc. 6:1-2 – 6:5-6.)

The famine in Europe in the nineteenth century was the subject of great attention during the apparition at La Salette. Why? Famine is not new to mankind by any means. In that same apparition was given a Secret: “the Secret of La Salette” which warned of the release of Lucifer (the devil) and a great number of demons from hell, in the year 1864 (secret 11) affirmed as being in incarnate (human) form (secret 12.) This Secret and warning corresponds with the breaking open of the fourth seal, and its aftermath.

The fourth seal opened reveals the pale green horse; “..and he who was sitting on it - his name is Death, and hell was following him.” (Apoc. 6:7-8.) This horseman symbolizes pestilence. What is “following him” is shown in chapters 8 and 9 . Chapter 9 begins:

And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet, and I saw that a star had fallen from heaven upon the earth, and there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and there came up smoke out of the pit like the smoke of a great furness, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit. And out of the smoke there came forth locusts upon the earth..(Apoc. 9:1-3.)

Just as the fallen star must be an individual; i.e. a living intelligent being (to have been given the key to open the bottomless pit with) so too the locusts are those whom live in the Abyss (to be released from) and from out of which they come. Locusts (the insect) do not [as such] live in the Abyss, demons do (as do imprisoned human souls.) Locusts are a descriptive term. Just as 'serpent' or 'snake' is the descriptive term used for Lucifer; the devil, in the garden of Eden. “Locusts upon the earth” means incarnate demons.

And this is the reality; ever increasingly since 1864! The final “flood” upon us is what mankind needs to awaken and be alert to in these very last days of the world as we know it. Alert means leading good, Faith-filled, steady, thoughtful lives, and not be led astray by the very many wrong influences that are all around.

How close are we now to Our Lord's Second Coming?

Very close! Only God knows the exact time, but in His great Mercy and Love He has made much known. The Apocalypse is our guide.

The fifth seal opened reveals the martyrs over the centuries. The sixth seal opened reveals an intense build-up period to Our Lord's Second Coming in figurative Biblical language, and culminates with:

“......hide us from the face of him who sits upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Apoc. 6:16-17.)

And so the focus of the whole of chapter 7 is on those who have overcome (those who will be able to stand.)

Chapter 8 begins with the opening of the final seal; the seventh seal, and, another build-up begins. Ch 8 gives a depiction of the fall of the angels in heaven; the third, and its effects (around a third of the angels fell) a third of the lights in heaven dimmed. And then the words: “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth”(Apoc 8:13) And then follows chapter 9, and the opening of the abyss.

Chapter 10 begins with much heavenly imagery, and St John is told that he must “prophesy again.” Then follows the intense, but far more detailed, build up to where we are now (we are in chapter 14.) This build-up comprises of chapter eleven, which shows figures of the Old and New Testament (together with Biblical imagery) and the prevailing and resoluteness of their words. Chapter 12 is a figure of the Church; The Old and New Covenant. Chapter 13 tells of “the beasts” and their ways. This can be interpreted as meaning increasingly placing the creature, man, before his Creator, God. The Beasts influence the wrong path of mankind And they are clearly associated, in chapter 13, with excess and extravagance.

Chapter 14 is a very intense build-up (we are well into ch 14) to Our Lord's Second Coming, which is at ch 14;14. We must have “overcome” and (be on the sea of glass (ch 15) in immediate preparation for the culmination of the great spiritual battle; Armagedon (ch16.) And when God will rid us of the final chastisement. And there is the harvest “reaping.” As I understand it, much will happen simultaneously. And much sparse land there will be! This is Biblical. This is epic. The Alpha and The Omega.

What does being on the “Sea of Glass” mean?

At Our Lord's glorious Second Coming we must be availed of His great Mercy, and be on “the sea of glass.” St John writes:

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who had overcome the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing on the sea of glass, having the harps of God and singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “Great and marvellous are thy works, O Lord God almighty; just and true are thy ways, O King of the ages. Who will not fear thee, O Lord, and magnify thy name? for thou alone art holy. For all nations will come and worship before thee; because thy judgements are manifested.” (Apoc; 15:2-4.)

The Song of Moses (Deut. 3:21-43.) has a great focus on how we must Fear God. Give Him great glory. Show great gratitude to Him. The song of the Lamb is Our Lord's Victory. It is His triumph over death and hell. We must be joined with Him in His glorious resurrection from the dead. Be in His ways; teachings, and commands, Be in the way of Truth. THE Truth.

And so all focus is on overcoming in order to be on “the sea of glass.” The first commandment is always our great guide. And so too The Bible (of course) and traditional Catholic Church teaching. This our focus on God. He who created us and upon Whom All depends. And the commandments are emphasized in Apoc ch 14:12. We can look closely at a “route” to “the sea of glass” in the Apocalypse itself. It consists in the worship of God; giving great glory to God. In chapter 4 we find the following:

And round about the throne are twenty-four seats; and upon the seats twenty- four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and on their heads crowns of gold. And from the throne proceed flashes of lightening, rumblings, and peals of thunder; and there are seven lamps burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God. And before the throne there is, as it were, a sea of glass like to crystal....(Apoc:4:4-6.)

And animated nature is before the throne:

…And they do not rest day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God almighty, who was, and who is, and who is coming.” (Apoc:4:8.) …“Worthy art thou, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things, and because of thy will they existed, and were created' (Apoc. 4:11.)

And of Our Lord, “The Lamb”

And I saw, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing, as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth..(Apoc.5:6)...
….And every creature that is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and such as are on the sea, and all that are in them, I heard them all saying, “To him who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb, blessing and honor and glory and dominion, forever, and ever.” And the four living creatures said, “Amen,”and the elders fell down and worshipped him who lives forever and ever. (Apoc. 5:13-14.)

Specifically, in chapter 7 St John wrote:

After this I saw a great multitude which no man could number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and with palms in their hands. And they cried out with a loud voice, saying “Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb.” And all the angels were standing round about the throne and worshipped God, saying, “Amen, Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength to our God forever and ever. Amen..”.And one of the elders spoke and said to me, “these who are clothed in white robes, who are they? And whence have they come?” And I said to him, “My Lord, thou knowest,” And he said to me, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple, and he who sits upon the throne will dwell with them....(Apoc 7:9-17)


Our Lord God spoke to me from the sky at Ramsgate on March 5th 1992. He said:

“Trust, Tell The Truth
Walk Ten Feet Tall
Always Know Where
You Are Going”

And as I, Angela, have always described it, I felt over a hundred feet tall, and I felt as though I could have stepped across to France from the cliff top in two steps. This is 40 years before 2032, the date that many scholars believe will be exactly two thousand years since Our Lord's glorious resurrection from the dead and His Ascension into heaven. Forty years is the Biblical time of preparation and culmination; the flood waters were on the earth for 40 days (Gen 8:6) the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert (Jos.5:6.) Our Lord's 40 days period of fasting (Matt.4:1-2) the 40 days between Our Lord's resurrection and His Ascension(Acts 1:3.) 2032 could also be just before, in the same way as the Ascension is just before Pentecost. Of course only God knows when the exact time will be. But the 2030's is rightly anticipated (should be a profound focus of attention) to be the decade of Our Lord's glorious Second Coming in Judgement.

Plan and Prepare.

Mankind is in very great need. The greatest need. Please pray for direct help from God.

Please pray for the sign of the Son of Man (Matt.24:30.)

A Prayer.

Lord Jesus, from wherever I am in my life now,
guide me as to how I must be. So that on Your
Day, it will be my day, in You. Amen

copyright: Angela Anne Mary St John (Angela MM Searles.)

Further information is at: www.acatholicland.org

Plan and

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