Christ The King.
The Christmas cycle.
The Ascension.
Resurrection of Christ. By French artist Noel Coypel 1628-1707.
Towards Lent.
Our Lord God, Jesus Christ; God The Son: "O King of The Ages." The Christmas Cycle: Season after the Epiphany, is a time to be reminded and to be mindful that Our Lord's birth, and His life on earth, took place in time and was an historical event. And that it took place in fulfilment of the scriptures. It was even foretold that Our Lord would be born in Bethlehem [Matt 2:6] [Mich 5:2.]
God's loving plan of salvation for mankind, as shown in the Old Testament and culminating "in the fullness of time" with The Saviour; Our Lord God Jesus Christ and the New Testament, is inextricably linked with human identity and the needs of mankind. The Glorious Trinity knew our needs and provided for us. An act of incalculable love and mercy for us, in our contemptable fallen state.
The beginning of St John's gospel (said at the end of all traditional Latin masses (Tridentine) gives us a great insight into how our lives must be attuned to our Creator.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was made nothing that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness grasped it not.
There was a man, one sent from God, whose name was John. This man came as a witness, to bear witness concerning the light, that all might believe through him. He was not himself the light, but was to bear witness to the light. It was the true light that enlightens every man who comes into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But to as many as received him he gave the power of becoming sons of God; to those who believe in his name: who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us. And we saw his glory — glory as of the only-begotten of the Father — full of grace and truth. [Jn.1:1-14.]
And the three wise men were three kings who came from the East; following Our Lord's star [Matt 2:1-2] and who came from afar bearing their precious gifts to present kneeling to Jesus; the King of Kings. [Matt 2:11]. The Feast of The Epiphany (January 6th.)
Many a wise King in the earlier centuries recognized Our Lord Jesus to be the King of Kings. All leaders are reminded that Our Lord is King of Kings and ruler of rulers, and Lord of Lords.
The Hypostatic Union and God's love for mankind.
The Hypostatic union and God's love for mankind:
Only God Himself could save mankind from our sins; only the perfect sacrifice; His great sacrifice, could suffice for God's Justice. The Hypostatic union is the term used to explain Our Lord God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, taking on human flesh; to become man, without losing a single feature of the God Head; true God and true man.
Jesus Christ, God the Son, begotten of God the Father before all ages; God from God. He is of one substance with the Father, and one substance with the Holy Spirit; Consubstantial with God the Father and Consubstantial with God the Holy Spirit. Fully equal in all ways. It was through Him (God the Son) that all things were made [Jn 1:3.] Taking on human flesh did not diminish His God Head in any way. The Hypostatic Union is described in the following way:
"A theological term used with reference to the Incarnation to express the revealed truth that in Christ one person subsists in two natures, the Divine and the human. Hypostasis means, literally, that which lies beneath as basis or foundation.” (The Hypostatic union in: The Catholic Encyclopedia:
The Hypostatic Union is an early doctrine of the Church. As shown, for example, when Pope Leo 1 (p. 440-461) sent a dogmatic letter on the Hypostatic Union to the (later) Council of Ephesus which took place in 449. The Hypostatic union was defined (definitively) by the Council of Chalcedon in 451 which stated (declared) that:
“ Christ the two natures, each retaining its own properties, are united in one subsistance and one person..” (The Hypostatic union in: The Catholic Encyclopedia:
JESU, JESU, ESTO MIHI JESU. Be to me Jesus (Saviour.)
Bless you great Lord for all that it means.
Our Lord God, Jesus Christ; God The Son, is our Saviour. And it is for humans to always try to keep in mind that human identity is bound to...
Veni Sancte Spiritu (known as “the Golden Sequence) Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come, ...
Recollections: Prayers and Devotions, and meditations on scripture are vital, and they help us to develop strong “recollections” and...